Baby food in the first year

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The baby’s food begins in the first moments of his exit from the mother’s womb, as the mother begins to try to breastfeed him to give him the best nutrition for him at all. Believing that this milk is his strongest immune fortress at the beginning of his life. Therefore, the best food for an infant at the beginning of its first days is mother’s milk and it continues for a period of six months until other foods are introduced little by little. But after he reaches six months, you see what is the best food for him in his first year. This is what we will learn about in the following lines.
The best food for the baby from the first month to the sixth month
Breastfeeding, whether natural or artificial, for a child under six months is the optimal food for him without the need for any other food, as breast milk generally meets the nutritional needs of the growing child until the age of six months.
Between the ages of 4 months and up to 6 months, you can start feeding the child with solid food (complementary) in small quantities, only after the child shows signs of readiness to accept the food that we will mention in the next lines.
Baby food from the first month to six months
The best food for a child from the sixth month to a year
Breastfeeding is adhered to after six months, whether breastfeeding or infant formula. Some iron-rich foods such as legumes, beef, fish and iron-rich baby cereals are introduced, and vegetables and fruits rich in vitamin C are also given.
The child is given eggs, and he can also eat dairy products such as cheese and unsweetened yogurt as part of a complete meal for the child.
It is not recommended to give cow’s milk to a child under one year of age. It is also recommended to give the child fish because it is a rich source of many elements needed by the infant’s body.
The infant is given two to three meals a day.
It is forbidden to give the baby honey before the age of one year.
Signs that a child is ready to eat solid food
There are some signs that appear on a newborn baby that he is ready to receive solid food, and they are:
• Able to sit alone.
• His head is stable and firm.
• Shows signs of curiosity and readiness when bringing food to his mouth.
• He can stir food in his mouth.
• He brings various objects and hands to his mouth

When is the introduction of water to the infant?
Water is introduced to the infant at the completion of six months and it cannot be given to him before that period, as the infant gets all his water needs through breast milk or through formulas designed for infants, and the infant should be given water after six months with meals little by little Until he gets used to drinking.
All types of water must be boiled, including mineral water, water from filters, water from bottles and tap water (no hot water tap water should be used). It is also important to give the child water at room temperature.
The nutritional supplement that a child needs in his first year
A child in his first year needs some nutritional supplements that help in his growth and provide his body with essential elements that he cannot get directly from food. Among those nutritional supplements are the following:
Vitamin D and is given to him from birth until the age of one year to supplement the needs of the child.
Iron from the age of four months until the age of 18 months to prevent anemia.
Care must be taken to give nutritional supplements every day.
Warnings to be aware of when preparing food for a child
Avoid heating baby food in the microwave.
Avoid some foods that cause choking and burns for children.
Avoid giving your child hard vegetables and fruits without cutting them, mashing them well and making them into a consistency that they can easily eat.
When cutting food and giving it to a child to get used to, it must be cut lengthwise so as not to cause him to choke.
Avoid giving nuts to children under five years old

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