The best multivitamin for bodybuilding

The best multivitamin for bodybuilding

Many of us know how difficult bodybuilding is and how hard it is, because it builds muscles and increases their mass. Also, many people, especially “men”, resort to getting the best multivitamin to get an ideal muscular body, and in order to be able to overcome exhaustion and fatigue during exercises, and to ensure continuity during exercise, it is necessary to make sure that you get the best multivitamin and supplements. original food.

The necessary elements that must be available in the multivitamin

When you want to buy a multivitamin for bodybuilding, you should pay attention to the presence of the basic nutrients in it, which are:-
Folic acid .
Thiamine or Vitamin B1.
Niacin or vitamin B3.
Riboflavin or vitamin B2.
Vitamin B6.
Vitamin B12.
Vitamin D.
Vitamin E.
Vitamin D, C, E.

Necessary nutritional supplements for bodybuilding

There are nutritional supplements that can help you obtain the required physique for bodybuilding besides the multivitamin, which are:

Creatine for muscle building

Creatine is one of the primary sources of cellular energy and it is produced naturally in muscle cells, as it helps in:-
Increase muscle strength.
Reducing muscle pain after exercise.
Increases muscle mass.
The recommended dose of creatine is 5 grams and is taken twice, half before exercise and half after it.

B- Beta Alanine for muscle building

It is an amino acid obtained from foods rich in protein and helps to:
Reduce fatigue during high load training.
Improves energy production.
Builds muscle.
Increases your endurance during training.
The recommended dose is 4 to 6 grams per day and taken regularly.

Milk protein

It is extracted from milk, as it provides the body with large amounts of protein and amino acids, and it helps to:
Increase muscle mass.
Fast-digesting and easy to absorb.
Increasing the feeling of satiety.
Controls the appetite.
Recommended Dosage From 20 to 30 grams and take one dose of it.

BCAA’s Poly-Strain Amino Acid.

There are three amino acids out of 20 that make up protein, as it helps:
Build muscle protein.
Reduces levels of muscle damage during training.
Improves endurance during training.
Recommended dosage 3 to 6 grams before and during training.

E- Caffeine

Caffeine reduces post-workout stress and feelings of fatigue and helps:-
Improve performance during training.
Low level of effort and endurance.
It gives high energy.
Recommended dose 1.36 to 2.5 mg per pound of body weight.

The importance of a multivitamin for the body

The sport of bodybuilding is directly related to the intake of multivitamins such as protein, creatine and amino acids, but it must be noted that it is not the main reason for obtaining a perfect body, so do not gasp for it while you are unaware of its danger. You should also know that the multivitamin for bodybuilding is a safe source for you, as it helps you compensate for a large number of vitamins that your body lacks, because it contains nutrients in higher concentrations, and also contains many vitamins and minerals that help in the process of body growth.

How to get the best multi-vitamin for the body

You can get the best multi-vitamin for the body by eating foods rich in proteins and amino acids, and you can also get them by buying them from Vitazone, in addition to that you can get many vitamins and nutritional supplements you need through the Vitazone platform. Shop now.

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