Benefits of selenium for the body

Benefits of selenium for the body

Selenium is one of the important elements that the body needs, as it contains antioxidants that resist diseases that the body is exposed to, and although the body needs it is not much, but it is required to take advantage of its benefits.

What is selenium?

Selenium is a type of important mineral that plays a major role in the human body. It is found in some foods and also in drinking water and soil, but in small quantities.
It has an effective role in the metabolism process, and its regular consumption is a protection for the body from many different diseases.

selenium benefits for the body

There are many benefits of selenium to the body, including:
It works to protect the body from cancer, as it has a tremendous ability to protect the body from cancer because it contains antioxidants, as it destroys cancer cells because it supports the immune system, but it cannot be relied upon in this matter mainly based on what most of the Research and scientific studies.
It strengthens and strengthens the immune system, as it provides the immune system with a lot of strength to fight diseases that the human body may be exposed to, and also slows down the deterioration of the health status of people with some diseases such as AIDS.
It protects the heart from many diseases, and reduces the fat accumulated on the arteries and blood vessels.
It is important for the health of the thyroid gland, as it helps in the production of thyroid hormone on a regular basis and improves the performance of its function well. It has an important and effective role in the human body such as energy and activity levels, body temperature, appetite, sleep and stimulates the metabolism that leads to burning more of calories and thus leads to weight loss.

selenium benefits for women

Women in particular need many vitamins and nutritional supplements on an ongoing basis, so that their body can withstand the different life periods of pregnancy and lactation, so research and scientific studies have revealed that women who have good levels of selenium in the body often do not suffer from thyroid problems, and many other health problems.

selenium benefits for men

Selenium is one of the important elements for men, as it plays an important role in sperm production and health, in addition to its role in maintaining the health of the heart and blood vessels, as well as its role in protecting the body from cancer and protecting it from various diseases that the body is exposed to.

 Benefits of selenium for the body

Selenium natural sources

Selenium can be obtained from healthy foods, and this is one of the best ways to get it, such as:
– Seafood and fish
– eggs
– chicken
Brown rice
– white bread
– oats
Groups most at risk of deficient in selenium levels
Kidney failure patients
– AIDS patients

Selenium side effects

1- Excessive intake of selenium through dietary supplements may lead to the emergence of some symptoms such as hair loss, nervous disorders, digestive problems, bad breath when breathing, weak nails and tooth decay, so it is better to get it from its natural sources.
2- It can interfere with some medications, so it is best to take it under the supervision of a doctor.
3- In the event of an overdose, it may lead to poisoning in the body, as well as to dangerous developments and complications, such as kidney failure and heart attacks.

Selenium daily doses

Children from 1 to 3 years of age: 20 micrograms daily.
Children from 4 to 8 years old: 30 micrograms daily.
Children 9 to 13 years of age: 40 micrograms daily.
Adults aged 14 years and over: 55 micrograms daily.
Pregnant women: 60 micrograms daily.
Nursing mothers: 70 micrograms daily.
It is worth noting that it is best to get selenium from its natural sources, and if not, you should take it under the supervision of a doctor.

How to get selenium?

You can get selenium and many nutritional supplements that the body needs from Vitazone, and you can also get many minerals products such as calcium, magnesium, and zinc through the Vitazone platform. Buy now.

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