It takes 48 hours for the order to arrive in Cairo, Alexandria, Delta and Lower Egypt, 5 days, and Upper Egypt to 7 days, on average, with products that are not large in size or weight.
If the order that you purchased with VitaZone is canceled and the product has not been shipped from the seller, the full amount will be refunded including the shipping fees from the seller.
If the product was already purchased and shipped and you want to cancel the order, the amount will be refunded, but after deducting the shipping cost, if any, according to what is stipulated in the return policy page.
If the order reaches the buyer and a slot has already been opened, it will be returned to what is stipulated in the shipping policy page, but if the product is in its original condition, customer service is contacted to make a return request within 14 days from the date of receipt.
If more than one product is requested, when one of these products is canceled, VitaZone may cancel this product and complete a purchase for the rest of the products, and also if one of the products that are in the shopping cart is not available, VitaZone will ship the rest of the goods with the buyer notifying after the availability of this product with the final invoice formatted.
The effects of the Corona virus (Covid19).
Bad weather.
VitaZone is late in shipping the product.
Any factors beyond our control.