Folic acid benefits for the body

Benefits of folic acid for the body

Folic acid is one of the most essential elements that the body needs, which is available in many diverse foods that must be included in the daily diet to get the body’s adequate share of it. Folic acid in the body to enhance the body with this important element, and folic acid is one of the most important essential nutritional supplements for the pregnant woman as well as the fetus, so we will separate in this article the importance of folic acid for the health of the body in general and its importance for the health of the pregnant woman in particular.

Folic acid benefits for the body

There are many benefits that folic acid gives the body, including:
• Treatment of cases of anemia or anemia.
• Reducing the risk of cancer
• Protecting the heart and brain from strokes and strokes
• Protection from memory loss and Alzheimer’s.
• Reducing the risk of hearing loss due to age.
• Avoiding age-related macular degeneration, which is the most common cause of acute vision loss in those over fifty years old.
• Protecting the bones from fracture and fragility with age.
• Helping to treat sleep problems, depression, nerve damage and muscle pain.

Folic acid benefits for pregnant women

Folic acid is very important for the health of the pregnant woman, so we note that doctors prescribe it for pregnant women from the first months of pregnancy, because it works on:
Protecting the mother from the risk of anemia.
Protecting the fetus from birth defects.
Assisting in the growth and development of the fetus.
It prevents the fetus from developing anemia.
Preventing the risk of miscarriage.
Protection from the risk of premature birth.
Brain and spinal cord development of the fetus.

Folic acid sources from foods

There are many food sources rich in folic acid, which must be taken regularly to enhance the body with this important element. Therefore, the most important food sources rich in folic acid are:
Liver, especially beef liver.
Legumes such as beans and peas.
eggs .
Leafy green vegetables are high in folic acid, including lettuce, spinach, and cabbage.
citrus fruits;

How can I get folic acid

In the event that you do not adhere to a diet rich in folic acid, then you may resort to nutritional supplements rich in it, which you can buy from the Vitazone platform for vitamins and nutritional supplements at the best price,shop now the nutritional supplement from folic acid to strengthen the body with this important element that it needs.

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