Folic acid importance for pregnant

The importance of folic acid for pregnant women

Folic acid or folic acid is a vitamin “B12”, which plays an important role in the production of red blood cells and the development of the brain and spinal cord of the fetus, so it protects the fetus from birth defects related to the nervous system. It is also one of the most important nutritional supplements that a pregnant woman needs during pregnancy, due to the many benefits that a woman’s body gains during that period from this nutritional supplement, so doctors advise that it be taken from the first months of pregnancy.

Folic acid importance for pregnant

There are many benefits that folic acid gives to the health of a pregnant woman, the most prominent of which are:
Prevention of anemia caused by iron deficiency.
Prevention of the risk of miscarriage, especially in the initial period of pregnancy.
Protecting the fetus from congenital malformations.
Protecting the fetus from anemia and low birth weight.
Protecting the pregnant woman from the risk of premature birth, so it is recommended to take it in the last trimester of pregnancy.
Prevention of heart disease and strokes.

Folic acid importance for the fetus

The fetus needs folic acid just as the mother needs, as it works on:
It helps in the growth and development of the fetus.
Protecting the fetus from congenital malformations.
Promote the development of the brain and spinal cord of the fetus.
Protecting the fetus from miscarriage in the first period of pregnancy.
Protecting the fetus from premature birth, which causes many dangers to its health.
It helps in the production of red blood cells, and then helps protect the fetus from anemia.


Folic acid Dosage for pregnant

The required dose of folic acid for a pregnant woman varies according to the period during which she is pregnant, as follows:
• Before pregnancy: 400 micrograms = 0.4 mg.
• The first three months of pregnancy: 400 micrograms = 0.4 mg.
• From the fourth to the ninth month of pregnancy: 600 micrograms = 0.6 mg.
• During breastfeeding: 500 micrograms = 0.5 mg.

Folic acid importance for pregnant in the first month

Doctors recommend that folic acid be taken in the first weeks of pregnancy, as during that period the fetus’s brain and spinal cord grow, so it is the best time to get it from the mother. It avoids itself exposure to premature birth by more than 50%.

How can a pregnant woman get folic acid?

A pregnant woman can get folic acid through foods rich in it, such as: whole grains, dark leafy vegetables such as spinach, legumes, nuts, and various fruits such as oranges. Or you can get it with folic acid supplements, which you can buy from the Vitazone multivitamins and supplements platform. Shop now.

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