The most important vitamins for athletes

In order to reach an ideal athletic body and high physical fitness, you must follow two steps together, a healthy diet, and compensate the body with the necessary nutritional supplements, so that one step is not completed without the second, and does not depend on one without the other, because in the case of exercising while neglecting to compensate the body including It needs vitamins and nutritional supplements, exposing the body to many damages that may be indispensable if you commit to taking the necessary nutritional supplements.

Healthy food for athletes

The proper absorption of vitamins and minerals by the body depends on the health of the diet that you follow, and it is also necessary that it be varied and balanced so that it contains an appropriate amount of each of:
When you eat a meal rich in protein, especially before exercising, it helps you improve your athletic performance by supplying the body with energy.
There are :
Dairy and its derivatives, eggs, nuts, legumes, fish and poultry.
A major source of energy for the body and muscles, we know carbohydrates, Found in :
Baked goods made of whole grains, and there is a good percentage of milk and its derivatives.
– Fats :
Here we mean healthy unsaturated fats, which help boost metabolism, Found in :
Nuts, olive oil, avocado, dark chocolate.

Best Supplements for Athletes:

We will learn about the most important vitamins needed for athletes:
– Vitamin D
Necessary and important for building and healthy bones, which carry those muscles, it increases bone density that works to strengthen joints to prevent inflammation as a result of bearing the weight of your muscle mass.
Our bodies lack this important and effective element, and it must be obtained from an external source, whether natural or chemical, natural such as tuna and nuts, and chemical such as medicines.
It gives muscles flexibility, and helps speed recovery after strenuous exercises, and reduces muscle fatigue associated with strenuous exercise.
They are very important healthy fats for the body, and are also useful, as they stimulate the heart muscle, and reduce the level of harmful cholesterol in the blood.
They are found in nuts, tuna and avocados, and you can eat them as tablets.
Useful nitrogen powder, taken in specific doses under the supervision of your doctor, gives you high energy, especially during exercise times.
Vitamin B complex:
It is of great importance, especially for athletes, as it provides the body with energy and activity, and has a great effect during exercise, and you have to realize that the lack of one of the “B” vitamins in the body reduces your ability to exercise
– Iron :
It is important for oxygen to reach the joints and muscles and to increase the number of red blood cells. Iron deficiency is one of the common problems among exercisers, and negatively affects their performance. Also, those who follow the vegetarian diet, they need a daily portion of iron, to ensure that the hemoglobin percentage in the blood does not decrease.
Drink low-sugar coffee half an hour before exercise, as it is able to give you a good amount of energy, and if you do not want to eat it and are not a fan of it, you can take green tea, which is a very suitable alternative.

How to get the best supplements for athletes

You can get the best nutritional supplements for athletes through Vitazone, where you can get omega-3, zinc, iron and protein-rich products needed to build the body during exercise, Shop now.

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