Seasonal depression symptoms and treatment

Seasonal depression symptoms and treatment

What is seasonal depression?

Seasonal depression is one of the types of mood disorders whose occurrence is associated with changes in the weather in one season of the year, as depression in this case begins at the same time every year with the beginning of autumn, and continues during the winter months and disappears with the beginning of spring, and it can start at the end of spring. The beginning of summer and disappears with the advent of autumn.

Seasonal depression symptoms and treatment

Symptoms of seasonal depression

There are many symptoms of seasonal depression, among them, sadness for no apparent reason, problems with concentration and memory, loss of self-confidence, persistent anxiety and sometimes even suicide. On the other hand, while classic depression leads to loss of appetite, tends to People with seasonal depression tend to overeat, especially foods rich in sugar.

Causes of seasonal depression

There are many causes of seasonal depression which include:
Seasonal depression, or as it is also known as “autumn depression”, usually occurs as a result of the intense stress that some are exposed to at the beginning of the seasons of the year, especially autumn, in addition to the body’s secretion of a group of hormones that cause mood swings.
Also, lack of exposure to sunlight during the fall causes a decrease in serotonin levels in the body, which causes an imbalance in mood, appetite and sleep patterns, in addition to the emergence of some symptoms of depression.
In addition, a lack of vitamin D level in the body is also linked to depression, as a result of bad weather, the absence of sunlight that supplies the body with that vitamin, as well as lack of exercise and spending more time at home.

Seasonal depression symptoms and treatment

seasonal depression treatment

There are some behaviors that can be followed to get rid of the symptoms of seasonal depression
They are the following:
Spending time outside and being exposed to daylight.
Eat a healthy diet that includes vitamins and minerals.
Exercising regularly for half an hour three times a week.
Doing social activities.
Use relaxation techniques, such as yoga and meditation.
Follow the methods of music and art therapy.


Seasonal depression symptoms and treatment

What is the relationship of vitamins to depression?

There are some vitamins whose deficiency in the body leads to depression, and among those vitamins are the following:
Vitamin B6
Vitamin B6 helps in the manufacture of amino acids, which are the building blocks of proteins in the body. It helps in the manufacture of neurotransmitters, such as: serotonin, melatonin, and dopamine, the deficiency of which leads to mental disorder and depression.
Vitamin D
One of the most important vitamins necessary for growth and maintenance of calcium levels in the blood and bones.
Vitamin D deficiency may increase the risk of depression, so it is one of several vitamins whose deficiency causes depression.

Vitamin C
Vitamin C helps maintain healthy cells, skin, blood vessels, bones, and mental health.
Its deficiency may negatively affect the level of awareness, cognition, and concentration, and providing the body with it may help relieve symptoms of depression, schizophrenia, anxiety, or Alzheimer’s.

How to get the vitamins to prevent depression?

You can get any of the various vitamins and nutritional supplements that your body needs to protect it from various organic and psychological symptoms such as seasonal depression and other symptoms through the Vitazone platform, and you can also get many mineral products and nutritional supplements at the best price and the best quality through Vitazone as well, Buy now.

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