10 tips to burn fat in Ramadan

burning fat

The blessed month of Ramadan is a golden opportunity for those who want to lose excess weight in the body, many of them reach their ideal weight in this blessed month and burn a lot of fat and accept the feast with an ideal weight and a suitable body, and fasting is a wonderful opportunity for that, and Ramadan is for many Doctors are one of the most important and powerful types of intermittent fasting.

benefits of fasting

1- Insulin resistance.
2- Fighting cancer cells.
3- Helps to restore the health of the colon and intestines.
4- It reduces inflammation.

The most important tips to burn fat in Ramadan

1- Consuming bone broth, most of the soups on the Ramadan table are rich in antioxidants and vitamins that dissolve in
Water, and you can add some vegetables to it. Bone soup is full of magnesium, collagen, zinc and iron
And vitamin C, and also with the addition of spices such as turmeric, saffron, cardamom and cinnamon.
2- Stay away from toxins, stay away from toxins that are represented in hydrogenated and manufactured oils and vegetable fats.
And eat natural oils such as olive oil, coconut oil, ghee and animal butter, and also
Avoid processed meats, as they cause problems in the colon and intestines, as well as gluten and bread derivatives
And avoid a lot of sweets, starches, sweetened and canned juices.
3- Exposure to the sun, to enable your body to manufacture vitamin D to support the immune system and reduce inflammation
And reduce insulin resistance, and if you are not exposed to the sun and do not exercise, then it happens
Stability in weight and slow burning of fat and weight loss.
4- Not to overeat protein for breakfast, in order not to stress the liver’s functions, so be careful
To have a varied and balanced food on the breakfast table.
5- Walking and sports Practicing walking and sports during the day in Ramadan, so you are exposed to rays
The sun, thus taking a measure of vitamin D, and walking increases the rate of fat burning, as it reduces
Stress and bad cholesterol.
The best time to exercise is in the morning, or three hours before breakfast.
6- Do not overeat, eat your food to the extent of satisfaction, and do not consume large quantities and reach
Your condition is to the point of satiety and satiety, so you expose yourself to indigestion and it also affects what is left
From your day because of stomach pain, and also do not exercise immediately after breakfast.
7- Eat a lot of fiber, foods rich in fiber help you feel full
And fullness, it is best to include it in your diet, including fruits and vegetables
Nuts and grains such as oats and barley.
8- Get enough sleep, especially at night
Less sleep is linked to obesity, and it also slows down the process of converting calories into energy
Getting a balanced amount of sleep helps your body get better health.
9- Avoid breakfast on soft drinks, and sweetened juices because they contain calories
High calories and does not contribute to weight loss, as well as Ramadan drinks such as Khashaf.
10- Drinking a lot of water, from the time of Iftar to the time of Suhoor.

burning fat

How to burn fat through supplements

There are many medical products in the form of nutritional supplements that burn fat and help in losing weight, as these supplements increase the rate of fat burning and prevent it from being stored, and contain a very small amount of calories, so it is suitable for those who want to lose weight so that they can get On the body’s nutrient needs without increasing the calories consumed.


How to get supplements to burn fat

You can get many products that burn fat in the body and then lose weight through Vitazone, and you can also get many vitamins and supplements that the body needs through the platform at the best price and 100% original products. Shop now.

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